Common Orthodontic Problems

Orthodontic problems are common issues that can affect anyone at any age. 

Problems can not only cause issues with your appearance but also can lead to complications in speaking and eating when not properly rectified. Below are some of the most common orthodontic problems that can be treated.

1. Underbites

An underbite occurs when your lower jaw will extend past the length of your upper jaw. When your teeth come together, the back teeth will rest in front of your front teeth and occurs when the lower jaw has outgrown the upper jaw. This can not only change the overall shape of your face but also cause problems when chewing. 

2. Overbites

The opposite of an underbite is an overbite, in which the upper jaw extends over the lower jaw. When overbites are excessive, the front teeth will completely cover the lower teeth. This can lead to both the upper and lower teeth wearing down more rapidly and also can lead to the lower teeth hitting into the roof of your mouth when chewing. 

3. Crossbites

You may be diagnosed with a crossbite if some of your upper teeth sit behind your lower teeth, but not all of them as in the case with an underbite. This problem can occur on both sides of the jaw and can severely inhibit function as well as the growth of the jaw. 

4. Tooth Crowding

Sometimes your teeth may not have enough space to come in properly. When this occurs, the teeth will come in crooked and crowded. The lack of space can cause problems with your smile as well as a higher risk of decay since it can be hard to remove debris from between your teeth. 

Not only can orthodontic problems affect your speaking and eating, but they can also lower your self-confidence and prevent you from smiling. An orthodontist can help correct your teeth and bite problems and improve your overall facial appearance allowing you to smile more confidently. 

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