Are You Too Old for Braces?

Not long ago, “adults” and “braces” wouldn’t be something that you’d often hear in the same sentence. 

This was largely due to the treatment time and aesthetics. It was also due to the misconception that the only time braces would be effective is when administered to patients during childhood or adolescence, the key times when the body is still developing. 

Today, the reality is that more adults than ever are wearing braces. In fact, about 1 million adults in the United States and Canada over the age of 18 currently wear braces. Consider the fact that about 4.5 million North Americans total wear braces, and simple math tells you that a little more than 20 percent of all braces wearers are adults. 

So why are braces becoming more common among adults? There are two main reasons for this: One, treatment times are generally shorter than what they once were. And two, and perhaps most importantly, many of today’s braces are practically unnoticeable thanks to advances in orthodontics. 

Popular Braces for Adults

Like we noted above, braces have come a long way to the point where they’re so discreet, you wouldn’t even know another adult is wearing them unless they told you they were. Yes, the conventional metal bands and wires are still an effective option, but some of the most popular types of braces and orthodontics among adults include:

Aligners: These plastic, retainer-like devices are worn up to 22 hours a day and replaced every two weeks or so as the teeth move over time based on the treatment. One of the most common types of aligners is Invisalign, which, fitting to the name, is hardly noticeable.

Lingual braces: These are similar to conventional braces, where metal bands and wires correct any oral issues. However, the big difference is that the metal bands and wires are installed on the backside — and not the front side — of the teeth. This hides them from view.

AcceleDent: Rather than wear braces or retainers, this orthodontic treatment consists of administering a special tray into the mouth, which sends pulses to the teeth to correct any issues. This method can cut the normal orthodontics timeline by 30 to 50 percent. 

Contact us today for more information on adult orthodontics.

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